Excellence Audit
Pursuing excellence means constantly finding ways to reach the next level of attainment and performance. The Excellence Audit is a powerful tool for individuals, teams, and leaders. It helps them to create distinctive Excellence Agendas that focus on those aspects of excellence where participants believe improvement actions will have maximum effect.
The Excellence Audit (Self):
- Analyzes participants’ ratings against 28 characteristics of individual excellence derived from the lifelong work of Tom Peters on excellence.
- Each characteristic is rated on how true it is now and how true it should be in the future, say, in 2-3 years’ time.
- The pattern of Aspiration Gaps informs an excellence agenda for the participant relevant to their particular context.
- The opinions of up to 4 Observers will validate and challenge your ratings.
You can purchase an Excellence Audit (Self) here.
The Excellence Audit (Teams/Organization):
- Analyzes participants’ current and future ratings against 30 excellence characteristics.
- Each characteristic is rated on how true it is now for people and how true it should be in the future, say, in 2-3 years’ time. The pattern of Aspiration Gaps across survey groups informs a priority improvement agenda for each group relevant to their context.
Excellence Audits surveys are completed online in total privacy, and results are 100% client confidential. Results are reported back in one of these ways:
- By summary report and/or online feedback briefing to the client.
- At a client feedback session with a TPC specialist.
- As part of a TPC-facilitated management team action planning session.
- As part of a TPC-led Implementing Excellence workshop.
For more information, contact team@tompeters.com.